8 Awesome Self Care Tips for Your Daily Routine

Practicing self-care is vital to your well-being so that you avoid feeling stressed. Are you ready for some "Me time"?

With the fall season just around the corner you might find yourself packing for dorm life, helping your kids prepare their back to school supplies, or maybe you are starting a new job. Pretty soon juggling work, family, and life in general starts to pile up. What that means is taking a step back and making sure you take some breaks because we are worth love. Practicing self-care is vital to your well-being so that you avoid feeling stressed. Are you ready for some "Me time"?

1. Be mindful while eating

Do you find yourself multi-tasking while having your meals? Easy to do especially when you live alone and there's no one around to tell you to sit and enjoy your meal. Next time you make a healthy meal for yourself, allow some time to simply enjoy the moment and indulge in a delicious meal without any distractions. No cell phone. You, your meal and your good thoughts. Maybe think about your goals or what you are grateful for.

2. Check off accomplishments

You know what's great about to do lists? Not only do they help us stay organized and on track but they remind us that we have conquered the day! At the end of the day, check off all the things you have accomplished and give yourself a hug with a big smile on your face.

3. Create a hygge

The fall season is upon in just a few days. How about creating a hygge in the corner of your room. Hygge is a Danish word that can be best described as enjoying life's simple pleasures. The premise of hygge decor is to create a Zen like serene space that is free of clutter. Does your bedroom speak calm? If it doesn't, how about adding coconut wax candles from Pure Fiji or adding some fun cozy pillows. By creating a space that feels warm and inviting, you can always count on an inviting retreat for those tough days.

4. Feed your mind

Self- help books are a great way to feel happy. Not only are you feeding your mind but by making the best version of yourself you draw more positive people in your life.

Self Care Tips Infographic

5. Get your endorphins

When you exercise your brain releases endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals work together to make you feel good. Find an exercise that you actually love. If the thought of going to the gym makes you cringe why not go for a walk around the park, go dancing with friends, tennis, the driving range, a kick boxing class or ride a bike.

6. Ditch technology

I know this might be hard or impossible for some of you but take a break from social media. Instead, focus on you, and start making a list of things you need for your fall beauty routine. As we approach the fall season you will need to make changes in your skincare products and routines. What works during the summer isn't going to cut it for the fall season. Make sure you check out our post on èSimple Skin Care Routine Survival Tips For The Changing Season'.

7. Get out of your comfort zone

Have you ever thought about creating something but thought you wouldn't be good at it? Well, this is the time to get out of your comfort zone and create something that you've been thinking about for a while now. Whether it's making macarons, planting herbs or starting a bullet journal getting artistic allows us to feel mindful and productive.

8. Make a self-care kit

Making a self-care kit doesn't have to be expensive. Go to the dollar store and find a pretty basket and then fill it with some of the things that make you feel oh so special. Some ideas could include; gluten free cookies, green tea, a mug, mini samples of natural skin care products from Pure Fiji, a book, cozy socks, or a silk eye mask. Place your self-care kit basket in your Zen corner and when you need an extra dose of TLC just grab whatever you are in the mood for.

Research shows that incorporating self-care into one's daily routine reduces stress, decreases the chance depression, increases productivity, and elevates our mood. Do your best to incorporate a daily dose of self-love until it becomes a habit. As you can see from our list it doesn't have to be over the top. By making the best version of ourselves we are able to handle work, relationships, and challenges that come our way.

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